Common Name - Rock Correa - A poplar native which responds well to trimming, it makes an attractive hedging variety due to its up right nature. Correa Glabra green will attract native birds to the green bell shaped flowers.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Coastal Rosemary - This lower and tighter growing form of Westringia makes tough low hedge breaking away from the traditional green formal hedges it's lighter colour creates eye acting contrast when planted in front of a green or silver hedge like buxus Faulkner or Westringia wynabbie gem.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Dwarf Lilly Pilly - Tried and true, one of the most popular lilly pillies available, smithii minor has proven to be a consistent performer. Its small leaves and crimson new shoots make it an ideal choice where a thick formal hedge is required. Not available for Tasmania and Western Australia.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Correa dusky bells - This native low growing shrub forms a dense clump of foliage and delightful flowers. Correa dusky bells is ideal as a hardy ground cover or compact shrub. Salmon red bell shaped flowers occur through spring and summer.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Willow leaf Crowea - This hardy native shrub is a beautiful addition to any garden. It can be planted as an individual specimen or as attractive compact low hedge. It has bright pink flowers and soft new foliage this would make it a great variety to have as a stepped hedge with other contrasting varieties.
Common Name - Westringia jervis Gem - A dwarf form of the wynabbie gem, this hardy native withstands trying conditions. It can be planted as a specimen or as attractive compact low hedge. Its mauve flowers and soft new foliage make it a great variety to have as a stepped hedge in front of a Avonview lavender or contrast against another medium green hedge.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Dwarf Sacred Bamboo - An evergreen dwarf shrub, Nandina has a brilliant eye catching colour year round. Nandina produces new red - green foliage turning to scarlet red. Requires very little maintenance.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Star Gardenia - An evergreen low growing shrub with glossy, dark green foliage bearing beautifully scented white flowers that are formed like a star. Great as a low hedge or ornamental in a pot or in the garden.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Abelia grandiflora nana - Abelia grandiflora nana Perfect for a quick growing hedge that doesn't get out of control, this variety can handle periods of dryness once established & strong frosts. Glossy dark green leaves with lighter green new shoots .Has strong covering of white /pale pink flowers many months of the year. Can be used as a short 300 mm hedge to 1.2 metres.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - English Lavender, Spika lavender - The most common of the lavenders used for oil, dried and fresh flowers. This old favourite makes for a soft cottage style borderline plant with beautiful lilac flowers, giving a fragrant and colourful feature to your garden.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Gardenia Florida - One of the most popular Gardenias with its dark green glossy leaves having a striking contrast to its milky white flowers. Great for small to medium hedge, maintained with a light trim to keep shape after flowering.
Plants subject to availability.
Common Name - Rosemary Tuscan Blue - Tuscan Blue is a fast growing rosemary. Its tall upright habit makes it a great choice for hedging. It has darker blue flowers and glossy green foliage. Great for adding a mediterranean feel to any garden.
Plants subject to availability.
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